Local content is the way to go for social media management

Every social media manager wants to be known as a rockstar; the savvy guru who generates lots of engagement with posts.

Getting to that level though can be hard. When we say hard, we mean soul-sucking, brain freezing, “I want to give up” hard.

You see, content, as they say, is king. However, not all content can deliver the desired result. This is especially true when catering to an audience that cuts across various demographics (age, education, sex, income level et al).

One thing that has consistently given me huge engagement has been local content. By local content, I mean content that strikes a chord with my immediate audience due to its relatable nature.

How many Nigerians can relate to a Facebook status post about space travel? Not that much.

On the flip side, how many can relate to social media posts about troublesome commercial buses a.k.a Danfo? Loads of people.

Coca-Cola’s Mama Di Mama is a great example of localized storytelling

Storytelling infused with relatable local content has become the default setting for adverts these days. From Coca Cola’s “Mama Di Mama” to Airtel’s ‘The In-Laws’; brands are telling stories using language and cultural elements their audience is already familiar with.

The same is true for social media management. The best managers know to incorporate localized content into their work.

You can almost never go wrong with focusing on content people identify with. Brands and individuals are likelier to achieve the desired engagement/lead generation with videos, images and text that resonate with their primary audience.

In my experience managing social media accounts for brands, the highest level of engagement has come on posts featuring Nigerians or elements of Nigerian culture.

Ways to use rock social media using local content

Local content is a game changer in looking to get good engagement/lead conversion numbers managing a brand’s social media account. However, it can be a struggle knowing how to use this.

Here are some helpful tips on how you can use local content to achieve great results on social media.

Use popular catchphrases/words

One surefire way to achieve rockstar results on social media using local content is to incorporate localized phrases or words. These keywords, buzz words or catchphrases when used properly jump out and capture the reader’s attention.

Unless you exist in a bubble, a lot of people living in Lagos would have heard the phrase “Gbe body eh” (Carry your body or move) being used in various contexts.

Now, imagine a potential customer crawling through posts (on Instagram) with the hashtag; #gbebodyeh.

A smart social media manager has already incorporated the phrase into one of two posts (or even an advert).

Natural curiosity then leads to reading and possibly following the page. If it is to his/her liking, an emotional connection has been created and he/she becomes a lead waiting to be converted.

Celebrate local heroes

Everybody loves a hero; that “ordinary” person that has done something remarkable.

Beyond just loving heroes; we love heroes that “are like us”; similar experiences, backgrounds or that speak “our” language.

Jumoke’s story is a great example of local content that resonates

This is why brands often jump on trending stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things (who can forget Olajumoke the bread seller). It is great for public relations and connecting on an emotional level with the buying public.

The good part is you don’t even have to do extensive research to achieve this.

Across Instagram and Twitter, the hashtags; #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) and #MCM (Man Crush Monday) trend every week on these given days.

I have seen great results on #MCM posts eulogizing the likes of Rashidi Yekini and Samuel Okwaraji.

I have also generated an impressive number of leads off #WCW posts celebrating women (Chioma Ajunwa, the bobsled team to the Winter Olympics and many more).

To really score big with these hashtags, video (the most popular form of marketing) gives you an edge. This is because most #WCW & #MCM posts are usually just pictorial.

Create a 35 – 50-second highlight reel celebrating the accomplishments of a ‘local hero’. If you can, boost the post (Instagram) and watch your engagement/lead generation numbers climb.

You can’t go wrong with humour

Humour and banter that carry local content deliver great results on social media

The “social” in social media is there for a reason. Running an official account for a brand does not mean that the page should have a stiff, officious persona.

Humour and banter connect with audiences everywhere. Irrespective of industry/business type or model, official accounts can be light-hearted and still get the message across.

It is even better when the content is structured using language and text the average Joe understands and relates with.

A perfect example of this is Paddy Power. This UK-based betting company states in its Twitter bio: “Betting and sports news, served with a side of mischief”.

Given that it services the United Kingdom (and the United Kingdom’s foreign domains like Gibraltar), the language and flavour of its posts are relatable by the British public.

Using elements of British society like humour, love of pudding and cuss words, it has grown to become one of the most popular handles. This has impacted positively on the company’s ROI.

Other betting companies have taken a cue from it. They are now trying hard to incorporate humour into their own social media strategies (with hilarious consequences).

As the great philosopher; Reminisce Alaga once said: “local ti takeover” (local content has taken over). Social media managers who want to achieve great results would do well to heed his advice.